75 Pizzazz-filled Pizza Jokes That Will Top Your Day with Laughter

Pizza lovers, it’s time to savor a slice of humor! We’ve cooked up a collection of 25 pizzazz-filled pizza jokes that will top your day with laughter. Perfect for sharing at your next pizza party or during a family dinner, these jokes will add an extra topping of fun to your pizza-loving life.

pizza jokes
  1. Why don’t we ever tell secrets at a pizzeria? Because the slices have ears!
  2. What’s a pizza maker’s favorite song? “Knead You Now”.
  3. What does a pizza say when it introduces itself? “Nice to ‘meat’ you!”
  4. What does a pizza wear to smell good? Calzogne.
  5. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the pizza sauce!
  6. How do you fix a broken pizza? With tomato paste.
  7. Why did the pizza go to school? To get a little saucier.
  8. Why does the pizza always come first? Because it’s fast food.
  9. What did the pizza say to the topping? “Lettuce be together”.
  10. Why was the pizza so good at baseball? It had a perfect “slice”.
  11. What’s a pizza’s favorite movie? “Pie Hard”.
  12. What did the dough say to the topping? “I knead you”.
  13. Why did the pizza go to the party? Because it heard there’d be “cheesy” music.
  14. Why do pizzas make terrible comedians? Because they always “crust” their jokes.
  15. What’s a pizza’s favorite type of workout? A crunch!
  16. What did the pizza maker say to the dough? “You crack me up”.
  17. Why do pizzas love bad jokes? Because they’re extra cheesy.
  18. What’s a pizza’s favorite dance? The pepperoni twist.
  19. What does a pizza say to dispute something? “That’s pre-pasta-rous!”
  20. Why don’t pizzas ever lose at poker? Because they always have a “pizza” the action.
pizza jokes
  1. Why did the pizza go to therapy? It couldn’t deal with the heat in the kitchen.
  2. What’s a pizza’s favorite vacation spot? “Cheese Vegas”.
  3. How does a pizza flirt? “I never ‘sausage’ a beautiful face”.
  4. What do you call a pizza that sings? A pizza-cato.
  5. Why was the pizza always broke? It kept giving away all its dough.
  6. Why did the pizza crust go to the dentist? It needed a “filling”.
  7. What’s a pizza’s favorite TV show? “Game of Doughs”.
  8. Why was the topping hiding? It heard the pizza cutter was coming.
  9. What’s a pizza maker’s favorite day of the week? Fry-day.
  10. Why did the pizza go to the gym? It needed to work on its “rolls”.
  11. How does a pizza propose? With an “onion” ring.
  12. Why was the pizza cold at the party? It’s because it’s a “cool” guy.
  13. What’s a pizza’s favorite type of payment? Cheese-ck.
  14. What’s a pizza’s favorite planet? Marscapone.
  15. What’s a pizza’s favorite math lesson? Pizza Pi.
  16. Why did the pizza go to art school? To work on its “pepperoni” perspective.
  17. What does a pizza use to unlock doors? A pi-zza key.
  18. What’s a pizza’s favorite historical era? The “grate” ages.
  19. Why don’t pizzas use calendars? Every day is a “delivery” day.
  20. Why did the pizza join the band? It has the best “rolls”.
  21. What do pizzas use to clean their ovens? “Crust” remover.
  22. What’s a pizza’s favorite type of joke? Cheesy ones!
  23. How does a pizza say goodbye? Slice to meet you, hope to crust you again.
  24. Why did the pizza break up with the topping? There was too much “slice” in their relationship.
  25. What’s a pizza’s favorite playground game? “Pepperoni” jump rope.
  26. Why was the pizza so loved? It always brought a “slice” of happiness.
  27. What’s a pizza’s favorite exercise? Cheese-lifts.
  28. Why did the pizza lose its job? It couldn’t make enough dough.
  29. What’s a pizza’s favorite movie genre? Slice of life.
  30. How does a pizza call its friends? On the “slice-phone”.
  31. Why was the pizza always popular? It always knew how to “top” a conversation.
  32. What’s a pizza’s favorite type of literature? “Deep-dish” novels.
  33. Why was the pizza always late? It couldn’t find its “delivery” address.
  34. What does a pizza call its dad? Pop-scone.
  35. Why did the pizza join the orchestra? It loved to play the “slices” drums.
  36. What did the pizza say to the competition? “You wanna ‘pizza’ me?”
  37. Why don’t pizzas ever get lost? They always follow the “crust”.
  38. How does a pizza confess its feelings? “I knead you more than dough.”
  39. What’s a pizza’s favorite part of a song? The “cheesy” chorus.
  40. Why did the pizza get a timeout? It wouldn’t “stop topping”.
  41. What’s a pizza’s favorite clothing item? Pepperoni pants.
  42. Why don’t pizzas play hide and seek? They always get picked up.
  43. Why do pizzas make terrible secret agents? They always “spill the sauce”.
  44. How does a pizza ask someone to slow dance? “Can I have this ‘slice’?”
  45. What’s a pizza’s favorite day of the year? National Cheese Pizza Day.
  46. Why was the pizza sad? It felt “crusty”.
  47. How does a pizza write a letter? “Tomato, my dear friend…”
  48. Why did the pizza maker go broke? His business was all dough and no “knead”.
  49. What does a pizza call its baby? A small slice.
  50. Why don’t pizzas ever get stuck? They always find a “slice” through.
  51. What’s a pizza’s favorite dog breed? A “Pupperoni”.
  52. Why was the pizza the life of the party? It knew how to “cut” loose.
  53. What’s a pizza’s favorite superhero? “Cheese-us Christ”.
  54. Why did the pizza go on a diet? It couldn’t fit into its “box”.
  55. What did the pizza say to the birthday boy? “I’m here to ‘cheese’ you up.”

We hope that our selection of pizza jokes has added a dash of fun and a pinch of humor to your pizza feasts. Whether you’ve enjoyed them while savoring your favorite slice or shared them with your pizza-loving friends, remember that laughter, like pizza, is best when shared. Stay cheesy, stay saucy, and keep the laughter coming!