100 Doughnut Jokes That Will Glaze You with Laughter

Indulge in a box of humor with our freshly curated selection of doughnut jokes. Perfect for pastry lovers, bakers, or anyone with a sweet tooth for comedy, these jokes are deliciously funny and guaranteed to sprinkle your day with laughter. Brace yourself for a sugar rush of hilarity!

jokes about doughnuts
  1. Why did the doughnut visit the dentist? It needed a filling.
  2. Where does a doughnut go to relax? The doughnut disturb room.
  3. What’s a doughnut’s favorite beat? Glaze-y jazz.
  4. How does a doughnut say goodbye? “I’m glaze to have met you!”
  5. Why was the doughnut stressed? It was feeling a little crumby.
  6. What’s a doughnut’s least favorite day? Fry-day!
  7. Why do doughnuts never lie? They’re always well-rounded.
  8. Why was the doughnut so popular? It had a sweet personality.
  9. What do doughnuts wear to weddings? Glaze and tie.
  10. Why don’t doughnuts go to school? They’re already filled with jam and intelligence.
  11. What did the doughnut say to the loaf? “You’re bread to me!”
  12. Why did the doughnut go to therapy? It couldn’t get over the hole in its life.
  13. Why did the doughnut break up with the bagel? It had too many issues to “knead” out.
  14. Why was the doughnut scared of the computer? It didn’t want to get a virus and turn into a dough-not.
  15. Why did the doughnut become a detective? It wanted to solve the mystery of the missing sprinkles.
  16. Why did the doughnut get a job at the bakery? To bring home the “dough.”
  17. What’s a doughnut’s favorite sport? Hole in one.
  18. Why did the doughnut go to the beach? To get a tan(gent).
  19. What does a doughnut use to take notes? A pastry pen.
  20. What’s a doughnut’s favorite dance move? The twist.
  21. Why do doughnuts never play hide and seek? They always get found in the “baker’s” dozen.
  22. What do you call a cat that eats too many doughnuts? A doughnut “purr-tender.”
jokes about doughnuts
  1. What’s a doughnut’s favorite type of art? Circularism.
  2. How do doughnuts do their hair? With a bun.
  3. Why did the doughnut start a band? It had the best rolls.
  4. Why was the doughnut a great actor? It always knew how to roll with it.
  5. Why do doughnuts make bad secret agents? They always get caught in the act.
  6. Why do doughnuts never get lonely? They’re always in good company in the box.
  7. Why did the doughnut join the circus? To perform dough-nuts and tricks.
  8. What’s a doughnut’s favorite type of dog? A bark-eclaire.
  9. Why was the doughnut so good at golf? It always gets a hole-in-one.
  10. How do doughnuts access the internet? They log in to the dough-net.
  11. What’s a doughnut’s favorite exercise? Glazed and confused aerobics.
  12. Why was the doughnut invited to the party? It knew how to “roll.”
  13. Why was the doughnut a terrible driver? It kept rolling at the stop signs.
  14. Why did the doughnut go to the music concert? It was feeling a bit flat.
  15. What do doughnuts use to fix everything? Glue… I mean, glaze!
  16. What’s a doughnut’s favorite type of movie? A roll-mantic comedy.
  17. Why did the doughnut start meditating? It was seeking inner “peas.”
  18. What’s a doughnut’s favorite sci-fi movie? “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Frosted Awakens.”
  19. Why was the doughnut upset with the muffin? It was too crumby.
  20. How do doughnuts get around the city? They roll.
  21. Why did the doughnut apply to law school? It wanted to pass the bar, but not the bakery.
  22. What did the doughnut say when it retired? “I’m done with the daily grind.”
  23. What’s a doughnut’s favorite type of tree? A doughnut tree, obviously!
  24. Why do doughnuts go to the gym? To get in “roll” shape.
  25. Why did the doughnut become a police officer? To serve and glaze.
  26. What’s a doughnut’s favorite vacation destination? The French Riv-bakery-a.
  27. What’s a doughnut’s favorite type of coffee? De-crumbed.
  28. Why did the doughnut enroll in university? It wanted to get a “dough”gree.
  29. What did the doughnut say to the treadmill? “I find you very a-peel-ing.”
  30. How does a doughnut answer the phone? “Doughnut disturb me, I’m on a roll!”
  31. What’s a doughnut’s favorite type of music? Pop and (sugar) rock.
  32. What did the doughnut say when it was late? “Sorry, I got jammed in traffic!”
  33. Why don’t doughnuts use maps? They prefer to “roll” with it.
  34. What did the doughnut say to the bagel? “You’re my everything!”
  35. What does a doughnut do during an existential crisis? It contemplates the hole meaning of life.
  36. What’s a doughnut’s favorite horror movie? The Texas Glaze Massacre.
  37. Why did the doughnut go to the baseball game? It heard the pitches were delicious.
  38. Why was the doughnut a good listener? It always had a hole lot of time.
  39. How do doughnuts express their love? They say, “I’m dough-nuts about you!”
  40. What did the doughnut say to the can of soda? “I’m more refreshing than you!”
  41. What is a doughnut’s favorite type of sandwich? Peanut butter and jelly-filled.
  42. Why was the doughnut always broke? It always gave out too much dough.
  43. How does a doughnut report a crime? It calls the cops… the doughnut cops!
  44. Why don’t doughnuts ever win at poker? They always crumble under pressure.
  45. What’s a doughnut’s favorite Beatles song? “Twist and Shout”.
  46. What does a doughnut bring to a party? A fun-filled attitude.
  47. Why did the doughnut start a journal? To record its hole life story.
  48. What’s a doughnut’s least favorite exercise? Crunches, they always end up flat.
  49. What did the doughnut say to the birthday cake? “You’re another year batter!”
  50. What’s a doughnut’s life goal? To feel full-filled.
  51. What did the doughnut say after the workout? “I’m glazed and confused!”
  52. Why did the doughnut go to therapy? It had hole-ful feelings.
  53. Why don’t doughnuts start businesses? They’re afraid of going into the hole.
  54. Why did the doughnut bring a suitcase to the bakery? It wanted to pack some jam.
  55. Why don’t doughnuts use elevator? They’re not fans of the ups and downs.
  56. What does a doughnut put in its coffee? Sweet and swirl.
  57. How does a doughnut respond when you ask if it’s a cake? “Donut even compare me!”
  58. Why was the doughnut a poor secret keeper? Because everyone could see right through it.
  59. How does a doughnut text its friends? With lots of emoj-glazes.
  60. Why was the doughnut an awful artist? It could only draw circles.
  61. What does a doughnut wear to a job interview? A three-piece suit, a dough-tie, and polished bun-shoes.
  62. What’s a doughnut’s favorite nursery rhyme? “Roll, roll, roll your dough.”
  63. Why did the doughnut go to the doctor? It felt a little jammy.
  64. How does a doughnut say sorry? “I apol-glaze for my mistakes!”
  65. Why was the doughnut scared of the calendar? Its days were numbered.
  66. How does a doughnut win an argument? By glazing over the facts.
  67. Why did the doughnut go to the opera? It wanted to see the high notes get hit.
  68. What did the doughnut say when it looked in the mirror? “I doughnut see any flaws!”
  69. Why was the doughnut a good baseball player? It had a good swing and batter.
  70. Why did the doughnut get a magnifying glass? It wanted to look hole-some.
  71. Why did the doughnut visit the mechanic? It felt a little flat.
  72. What’s a doughnut’s favorite type of poem? A sonnet, with lots of layers.
  73. Why did the doughnut go to the football game? It wanted to see a good roll-out.
  74. What did the doughnut say when it finished a marathon? “I doughnut believe I did it!”
  75. Why did the doughnut refuse to play cards? It was afraid of getting dealt a bad hand.
  76. What’s a doughnut’s favorite fairy tale? Cinderella, because of the fairy-god-baker.
  77. Why did the doughnut join a band? It had the best jam.
  78. What’s a doughnut’s favorite time of day? The break of “dawn”ut.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this sweet serving of our doughnut jokes, and they’ve added a dash of joy to your day. Remember, life is like a doughnut – it’s round, filled with surprises, and even better when topped with a generous helping of laughter. Until our next humorous feast, keep the giggles glazing and the chuckles coming!