75 A-peeling Banana Puns That Will Split Your Sides with Laughter”

Go bananas for humor with our bunch of 20 a-peeling banana puns. Guaranteed to split your sides with laughter, these puns are perfect for sharing during a healthy breakfast or a light-hearted family gathering. Brace yourself for a fruit-filled comedic journey that’s sure to make you slip into giggles!

banana puns
  1. Why did the banana never get lost? Because it always peels its way.
  2. I find banana jokes very appealing, don’t you?
  3. What’s a banana’s favorite exercise? The splits!
  4. Why don’t bananas ever feel lonely? Because they hang around in bunches.
  5. Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well.
  6. Why do bananas never fight? They find it un-peel-asant.
  7. What do bananas say when they answer the phone? “Yellow?”
  8. What’s a banana’s favorite school subject? History – because it’s full of appeal.
  9. How do you catch King Kong? With a banana bait!
  10. Why are bananas so modest? They always dress in yellow peels.
  11. How do bananas travel? In yellow submarines!
  12. Why don’t bananas ever get stressed? They just hang out!
  13. Why did the banana go to the party? It heard it was going to be a-peel-ing.
  14. Why was the baby banana so sweet? It was a little green behind the ears.
  15. Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because it couldn’t find a date!
  16. Why did the banana blush? Because it saw the apple turnover!
  17. Why was the banana a great reporter? It always got the inside scoop.
  18. How do you open a banana? With a monkey!
  19. What’s a banana’s favorite day of the week? Sundae!
  20. Why did the banana break up with the grape? They had a peel-ing difference.
  1. How does a banana get out of jail? It slips away!
  2. What did the banana say to the monkey? Nothing, bananas can’t talk!
  3. What’s a banana peel’s favorite type of shoe? Slippers.
  4. What do you call a banana who’s a bad loser? A sore peeler.
  5. Why do bananas wear sunscreen? To avoid peeling.
  6. What’s a banana’s favorite type of music? Smoothie jazz.
  7. Why did the banana join the band? It had the best shake!
  8. Why did the banana take a nap? It was feeling a bit peel-y.
  9. What does a banana say when it loses something? “I’ve lost my peel!”
  10. Why was the banana so good at tennis? It always had a good serve and volley.
  11. What do you call a banana in a minefield? A peeling disaster.
  12. How does a banana write an essay? First, it peels the topic!
  13. What do you call a fast banana? A peel out!
  14. Why don’t bananas ever get promoted? They always work on a peel-ance.
  15. How do you describe a sad banana? Overripe with emotion.
  16. Why did the banana become a poet? It found the world very a-peel-ing.
  17. What’s a banana’s favorite scary story? “Peel Juice!”
  18. Why did the banana go to school? To improve its peel-lingual skills.
  19. What’s a banana’s favorite dance move? The banana split!
  20. What do you call a banana that likes to dance? A banana shake!
  21. How does a banana ask someone out? “Do you find me a-peel-ing?”
  22. Why did the banana go to the grocery store? It ran out of peel-ings.
  23. Why was the banana a good detective? It always got to the bottom of the peel.
  24. Why did the banana become a gardener? It had a green thumb.
  25. What’s a banana’s favorite type of movie? A peeling drama.
  26. How do you know when a banana is about to charge? It takes out its peel!
  27. What do you call a sleepy banana? A bananap.
  28. What’s a banana’s favorite nursery rhyme? Peel-a-peel-a pumpkin.
  29. Why did the banana get an award? It had widespread a-peel.
  30. What’s a banana’s favorite sport? Peel-ates!
  31. Why was the banana so chilled? It was a cool banana!
  32. How do bananas cheer each other up? They sing “Peel-ease don’t worry, be happy!”
  33. Why was the banana at the hair salon? It needed a new dole.
  34. What’s a banana’s favorite place to visit? The Banana Republic!
  35. What’s a banana’s favorite greeting? “Yellow, nice to peel you!”
  36. Why did the banana never lie? Because it was always transparent, peel and all.
  37. Why did the banana go to the therapist? It couldn’t handle the peel-ings.
  38. Why did the banana become a movie star? Because it had the peeling everyone loved.
  39. Why did the banana go on a diet? It felt too heavy to peel.
  40. What’s a banana’s favorite motto? “I’m peel-ing good!”
  41. Why did the banana wear a disguise? It wanted to go incogni-peel-o.
  42. What do you call a banana that’s a comedian? A peel-arious banana.
  43. Why did the banana wear stripes? So it wouldn’t be spotted.
  44. What did the traffic light say to the banana? “Peel out!”
  45. Why was the banana a great athlete? It always finished the race with a good slip.
  46. What did the banana say to the orange? “I find you a-peel-ing.”
  47. Why did the banana go on the roller coaster? For the peeling of thrill!
  48. Why do bananas always stick together? They’re peel pals.
  49. What’s a banana’s favorite Broadway show? “The Peel-ton.”
  50. What do you call a banana who’s gone bad? A slippery character.
  51. How does a banana say goodbye? “Peel you later!”
  52. Why don’t bananas get lost in the jungle? Because they have banana compasses.
  53. What did the banana say to the monkey? “Stop monkeying around with my peels!”
  54. What did the grape say to the banana? “Quit peeling around!”
  55. How does a banana flirt? It gives a wink and a peel.

We hope these banana puns have added a burst of fun and laughter to your day. Whether you’ve enjoyed them over a bowl of fruit or shared them with friends, remember that laughter is a potassium-packed ingredient for a happy life. Stay a-peeling, keep the jokes ripe and the laughter flowing!