100 Irresistibly Adorable Panda Puns to Brighten Your Day

Discover our selection of 15 irresistible panda puns that are sure to bring a smile to your face. These furry, bamboo-loving creatures aren’t just cute but a great source of fun too. Our collection promises an array of puns, from amusing one-liners to delightful plays on words.

panda puns
  1. Why don’t pandas like fast food? They eat at a bearable pace.
  2. Why did the panda go to the bakery? Because he wanted a bamboonut.
  3. What do you call a panda that’s a con artist? Bamboozler!
  4. What’s a panda’s favorite color? Bamb-lack and white!
  5. Why did the panda break up with his girlfriend? She took his bamboo-tiful heart for granted.
  6. Why did the panda bring a suitcase to dinner? He wanted to pack his bamboost!
  7. What’s a panda’s favorite vegetable? A panda-cchini!
  8. Why don’t pandas play cards in the jungle? Too many cheetahs!
  9. What do pandas call an apartment full of bamboo? A panda-dise!
  10. Why do pandas like old movies? Because they’re in black and white.
  11. What’s a panda’s favorite exercise? Bear-pees.
  12. What’s a panda’s favorite pop singer? Bamboo-nce.
  13. Why did the panda carry an umbrella? Because it was bamboozling!
  14. What do you call a panda with a discman? Bam-boogie.
  15. Why don’t pandas like talking to strangers at parties? They’re bam-shoo.
  16. What do pandas say when they make a mistake? “Oh, bamboops!”
  17. Why did the panda become a politician? He was great at panda-ring.
  18. What did the panda say to his girlfriend? “I find you bambootiful.”
  19. Why was the panda a good baseball player? He had the right bamboost!
  20. How does a panda start a race? “Ready, set, bamboo!”
panda puns
  1. What do pandas say when they’re ready for dinner? “Bamboo-n appetit!”
  2. What do you call a panda who’s good with computers? A panda-programmer.
  3. Why was the panda so popular at school? Because everyone found him bam-cool!
  4. What do you call a panda in a hurry? Bam-zoom.
  5. What do pandas love about gardening? The bamboo-tanicals.
  6. Why did the panda bring a bamboo to the party? To break the ice!
  7. How do pandas make a toast? “Here’s to a bambooliant night!”
  8. What’s a panda’s favorite dance move? The bamboo-gie.
  9. What did the panda say when he was caught eating a snack at midnight? “You bam-boo me!”
  10. What does a panda use to write a diary? His bamboo-k.
  11. Why did the panda refuse to share his bamboo? It was too bamgood!
  12. What’s a panda’s favorite fruit? Bamboo-nanas.
  13. What’s a panda’s favorite type of music? Bamboo-zic.
  14. Why did the panda cross the road? Because he was bam-boo’d by the other side!
  15. What do pandas say when they’re impressed? “Bamboo-merang!”
  16. Why are pandas great writers? They always have a bambook!
  17. What’s a panda’s favorite drink? Bam-booze.
  18. Why did the panda become a detective? He loved bamboozling clues!
  19. Why was the panda a great chef? His bamboo-soup was divine!
  20. What’s a panda’s favorite piece of furniture? The bamboo-kcase.
  21. Why are pandas such good friends? They’re always bamboosting each other.
  22. What did the panda say to his friend after a long time? “Long time, no see-bamboo!”
  23. Why don’t pandas ever get lost in the wild? They always bam-boo-mark their path!
  24. How did the panda celebrate his birthday? With a bamboonanza!
  25. What does a panda call a fake piece of bamboo? A bam-duplication.
  26. Why was the panda good at chess? He had the bamboost of confidence!
  27. Why did the panda become a lawyer? He had a bamproof argument!
  28. What do pandas eat for dessert? Bam-cookie!
  29. Why did the panda never give up? He had bambravery!
  30. Why did the panda take a nap? He was bam-boared.
  31. What did the panda say after a great meal? “That was bam-boolicious!”
  32. Why don’t pandas ever get stressed? They know how to bam-booze their troubles away!
  33. How do pandas express their love? They bamboo-t it!
  34. Why was the panda a great decorator? He had bamboostic taste!
  35. What’s a panda’s favorite fashion brand? Bambooton.
  36. Why did the panda become an actor? He loved the bamboozle-light.
  37. Why did the panda go on a diet? He felt bam-bloated!
  38. Why are pandas never late? They always have bambooked their schedule!
  39. What’s a panda’s favorite shoe? Bam-boots!
  40. What does a panda say when it finishes a project? “Bamboosh!”
  41. What’s a panda’s favorite part of a joke? The bamboo-m line!
  42. What’s a panda’s favorite film? Bamboozled in the Jungle!
  43. Why did the panda refuse the job? He felt bamboozled.
  44. What did the panda say after a long hike? “I’m bam-beaten!”
  45. What’s a panda’s favorite car? A bam-boo-gatti.
  46. Why do pandas always win at hide and seek? They’re great at bamboozling!
  47. Why are pandas never in a hurry? They don’t bam-booze their time!
  48. What do pandas say when they greet each other? “Bam-hi-boo!”
  49. Why do pandas make great poets? They love the bamboo-etry.
  50. Why did the panda go to the art gallery? To appreciate bamboots of art!
  51. What’s a panda’s favorite band? Bamboo-2.
  52. What do pandas say when they say goodbye? “Bamboo for now!”
  53. Why do pandas make great cops? They’re good at bamboozling the truth out!
  54. How do pandas apologize? They say, “I’m bamboorry.”
  55. Why are pandas so likable? They have a bambood personality!
  56. How do pandas congratulate each other? “Bam-good job, Boo!”
  57. What do pandas use to measure their height? Bam-boots!
  58. What’s a panda’s favorite basketball team? The Bam-boo Lakers.
  59. Why are pandas great at making decisions? They think it through, bam-boom.
  60. What’s a panda’s favorite cuisine? Bam-boo Thai.
  61. Why did the panda become a boxer? He had a strong bam-boo-p!
  62. What’s a panda’s favorite breakfast cereal? Bam-pops.
  63. Why was the panda good at math? He understood bam-boolgebra!
  64. Why do pandas make great salesmen? They’re bamboostive!
  65. How do pandas keep their homes clean? With a bam-broom!
  66. Why did the panda bring a ladder to dinner? For the high bam-booths!
  67. How do pandas design their homes? With bam-blueprints!
  68. Why do pandas make great teachers? They have all the bam-books!
  69. What’s a panda’s favorite type of bamboo? A bam-booquet!
  70. Why are pandas so calm? They do bam-boo-breathing exercises.
  71. Why did the panda bring a pencil to dinner? To draw a bam-doodle!
  72. How do pandas travel? In bam-boats!
  73. Why do pandas make great musicians? They love bam-beats!
  74. What do pandas use to surf the internet? Their bam-browser.
  75. What’s a panda’s favorite sport? Bam-bowling!
  76. Why did the panda bring a calculator to dinner? He loves bam-math!
  77. Why do pandas love cold weather? It’s bam-cool!
  78. What do pandas use to fix broken bamboo? Bam-glue!
  79. How do pandas celebrate victories? With a bam-bash!
  80. Why do pandas love puns? They find them bamboosingly funny!

We hope these panda puns have given you a bear-sized dose of joy. These puns are perfect to share with friends, family, or to just enjoy on your own. Keep the fun going, as there’s no such thing as too many panda puns. Spread laughter and lighten up your day with our bear-y funny puns.