120+ Gym Jokes That Will Exercise Your Funny Bone

Get ready for a workout of hilarity with our compilation of 25 gym jokes that will exercise your funny bone! Perfect for fitness enthusiasts or anyone who enjoys a good laugh, these jokes offer a light-hearted look at gym culture and the many amusing situations it entails. Prepare to lift your spirits and flex your laugh muscles!

gym jokes
  1. I told my trainer I wanted to see less of myself at the gym. He stole my glasses.
  2. The only exercise some people do at the gym is jumping to conclusions.
  3. Did you hear about the broom at the gym? It’s always sweeping the floor!
  4. My gym teacher’s favorite exercise? The mix-up… it’s a blend of sit-ups and give-ups.
  5. Why did the gym rat bring a ladder? He wanted to reach his peak performance.
  6. Why did the dumbbell break up with the barbell? It couldn’t handle the weight of their relationship.
  7. Why don’t skeletons fight each other at the gym? They don’t have the guts.
  8. The gym is like a zoo, but instead of animals, you see people in their natural reps.
  9. The weightlifting station at my gym is always full… it’s such a pressing issue.
  10. My resolution was to hit the gym more often. I’ve been nailing the ‘more often’ part by going once a year.
  11. If I had a nickel for every time I didn’t want to go to the gym, I’d probably have a home gym by now.
  12. I’d flex, but I don’t want to rip this shirt. It’s my only one that’s sweat-free.
  13. I called my abs ‘myths’ because I’ve heard they exist, but I’ve never seen them.
  14. Do you even lift?” Well, I lift my spirits whenever I skip the gym.
  15. Told my trainer I wanted a six-pack. He handed me a six-pack of protein shakes.
  16. I told the gym receptionist my membership was too heavy. She didn’t get the weight of the problem.
  17. I wanted to do a gym joke, but I didn’t want to work it out.
  18. “You miss 100% of the workouts you don’t do.” – Wayne Gymretzky.
  19. Why was the gym goer always tired? His workout routine was really running him down.
  20. How do you spot a competitive bodybuilder? Don’t worry, they’ll bench press you.
  21. Why did the protein shake apply for a job? It wanted to get whey ahead.
  22. Why don’t fitness enthusiasts make good comedians? They can’t take a sit-down gig.
  23. Gym Rule: If you’re out of breath, you’re doing it right. If you’re out of consciousness, you’re doing it wrong.
  24. I love the gym, it’s like a playground for adults… and I’m still the kid picked last.
  25. Told my friends I started going to the gym. They asked, “How’s the WiFi?”
  26. “Will lift for food.” – Every gym goer ever.
  27. When I lift weights, I’m on cloud nine. Mostly because I pass out.
  28. Why did the gym shoe go to therapy? It had too much sole searching to do.
  29. I’d rather have a gym enemy than a gym buddy. At least I’d be motivated to outdo someone.
  30. Why did the belt get arrested at the gym? It was holding up a pair of pants.
  31. The irony of a gym is that you pay money to walk nowhere on a treadmill.
  32. If I could sum up my gym experience in one word, it would be ‘unavailable’.
  33. “Gymtimidation” – The fear of going to the gym because everything’s already been lifted.
  34. Why don’t gym goers play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you’re this pumped.
  35. My gym’s motto: “The more you sweat, the more you forget you’re paying to be here.”
  36. I go to the gym to exercise my right to bear arms… bear, as in barely visible.
  37. At the gym, I’m like a fish out of water. Mostly because I’m flopping around, unsure of what to do.
  38. Do I lift? Only the remote, from the couch to my hand.
  39. I consider my protein shake a performance enhancer. It enhances my performance of getting to the gym.
  40. Fitness tip: Run like you’re being chased by a tread-millennial.
  41. At the gym, I burn calories… by setting the protein bar wrapper on fire.
  42. How do bodybuilders flirt at the gym? They ask, “Do you believe in love at first lift?”
  43. Why was the gym bag so good at giving advice? It’s always been a great carrier.
  44. There’s a thin line between working out at the gym and working out how to use the machines at the gym.
  45. Where do fitness enthusiasts go for fun? The bar-bell.
  46. I got lost on my way to the gym… but it’s okay, I found a bakery instead.
  47. I don’t go to the gym for a summer body, I go for a someday body.
  48. I asked my trainer if an apple a day keeps the doctor away. He said, “Not if the apple is a doughnut.”
  49. How do you know you’ve had a good workout? When your gym clothes stand up by themselves.
  50. My trainer said, “You are what you eat.” Now, I’m afraid I might turn into a protein shake.
  51. Why did the gym rat get promoted? He worked his abs off.
  52. I told my trainer I wanted to feel the burn. He set my workout plan on fire.
  53. I asked my gym buddy for some motivation. He said, “Just think, every time you lift, it’s one less lift to freedom.”
  54. Did you hear about the guy who lost his left side at the gym? He’s all right now.
  55. I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.
  56. What’s a gym goer’s favorite type of tea? Proper-TEA.
  57. They say you should treat your body like a temple. But, how many temples have vending machines?
  58. Why was the fitness book so good? It had a strong core.
  59. I’m not at the gym to feel the burn, I’m here to avoid feeling the guilt.
  60. I told my gym buddy, “You’re not heavy, you’re my brother.”
  61. I’m training to be in a fitness competition. The first one to the couch wins.
  62. Why did the scarecrow become a weightlifter? He was outstanding in his field.
  63. I’m in a relationship with my six-pack abs. We’re just having a little separation right now.
  64. What do you call a dumbbell with a cold? Achoo-lates.
  65. I don’t have a gym membership, I’m just here for the free trial… for the 15th time.
  66. I asked my gym instructor if he could teach me to do the splits. He replied, “How flexible are you?” I said, “I can’t do Tuesdays.”
  67. There’s no “we” in “workout”… just like there’s no “you” in “gym” right now.
  68. I once gave up jogging for health reasons.69. My pants kept falling down.
  69. My gym is like a refrigerator, every time I open it, I’m disappointed.
  70. My trainer said to touch my toes. I said, “Do I have a phone down there?”
  71. Why was the barbell so good at making decisions? It always weighs the pros and cons.
  72. What’s a bodybuilder’s favorite type of joke? A ripped-tickler.
  73. My abs are like my secrets, very well hidden.
  74. I tried jogging once. But the ice fell out of my glass.
  75. The weights at my gym have been stuck in the same place for years. They must be afraid of change.
  76. What’s the gym’s favorite type of music? Heavy metal.
  77. I was going to make a gym joke, but everything I thought of was too much of a stretch.
  78. Why did the bodybuilder bring a bucket to the gym? To fill it with gains.
  79. My trainer told me to reach for the sky. It’s nice to know he has low expectations.
  80. I don’t go to the gym for a workout, I go for the selfies.
  81. What do you call a surprise gym session? An ab-duction.
  82. My body is a temple. An ancient ruin, but still a temple.
  83. Why did the gym rat bring a pen and paper? He wanted to write a strong argument.
  84. Why was the dumbbell always sad? It was tired of being picked up and let down.
  85. My relationship with the gym is on the rocks, we just aren’t working out.
  86. What did the gym goer say when he moved a heavy weight? “I’m really pumped about this.”
  87. What do you call a bodybuilder who can play the piano? Musically ripped.
  88. I went to the gym to get in touch with my inner self. Found out my inner self loves donuts.
  89. Why do fitness enthusiasts love camping? They enjoy the intense workouts.
  90. My six-pack is coming soon, it’s just stuck in traffic.
  91. Why was the gym goer late for work? His routine was too much of a stretch.
  92. My gym instructor told me to have a good day. So, I went home.
  93. Why do bodybuilders always carry a map? In case they get lost in their muscles.
  94. What do you call a bodybuilder who loves gardening? A plant manager.
  95. If laziness were a workout, I’d be in the Olympics.
  96. Why did the gym rat become a baker? He wanted to knead the dough instead of the dumbbells.
  97. How do bodybuilders say goodbye? “Nice to weight you.”
  98. Gym Rule: Never skip a Monday. Unless it’s one of the 52 in a year.
  99. Why don’t gyms have wall clocks? Because they believe in timeless workouts.
  100. I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me at the gym.
  101. Why do bodybuilders never play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you’re this ripped.
  102. I went to the gym to work on my summer body. It’ll be ready by summer 2030.
  103. What’s the hardest exercise at the gym? The door push on the way out.
  104. If I had a dollar for every time I thought about going to the gym, I’d be rich enough to buy my own.
  105. What do you call a row of people lifting mozzarella? A cheesy lineup.
  106. What do you call a gym membership that was given as a Christmas gift? A New Year’s resolution that someone else made for you.
  107. Why did the gym rat take a break? He didn’t want to jump the gun.
  108. You don’t have to be faster than the bear, just faster than the guy next to you on the treadmill.
  109. Going to the gym is a lot like going to the movies, but instead of popcorn, you can only eat regret.
  110. Why did the gym rat refuse to play cards with the jungle cat at the gym? He was afraid of cheetahs.
  111. Why did the gym rat always bring a picture of his mother to the gym? Because it was a memento lift.
  112. I was going to do a joke about pull-ups, but I couldn’t raise the bar.
  113. If you see me at the gym and I’m not sweating, I’m probably in the wrong place. Can you point me to the nearest bakery?
  114. When my trainer said I was gaining too much weight, I told him, “That’s a heavy accusation.”
  115. Why did the gym rat put his money into the freezer? He wanted cold, hard cash to pay his gym fees.
  116. Why do ghosts like to go to the gym? To stay in the best of spirits.
  117. I joined a gym and asked for a trainer. I don’t think he was qualified, he told me to do some “window shopping” exercises.
  118. The weight of my gym membership fee is the only weight I can’t lift.
  119. What do you call a snowman with abs? An abdominal snowman.
  120. If running late for gym counted as exercise, I’d be in an ultra-marathon.
  121. The best gym exercise? Running out of excuses.
  122. Why did the gym rat bring a fan? He wanted to keep his cool during the workout.
  123. They say the gym is good for mental health. I just feel mentally exhausted trying to decide if I should go.

We hope these gym jokes brought some levity to your day and reminded you that even a workout can be a source of laughter. Remember, a sense of humor is just as important as physical fitness. Stay tuned for more content that celebrates humor in everyday situations, ensuring your laughter workout is never skipped!