80 Quack-tastic Duck Puns That Will Quack You Up

Get ready to quack a smile with our fine-feathered list of duck puns! Whether you’re a pun enthusiast or just someone looking for a laugh, our compendium of duck-themed humor is sure to float your boat. From cute, quirky wordplay to puns that will have you groaning in amused disbelief, you’ll find a variety of hilarity ahead.

duck puns
  1. Why did the duck get a job? Because he was tired of working for “peanuts.”
  2. What do you call a cat that quacks like a duck? A copyquack!
  3. What do ducks get after eating Chinese food? Peking duck.
  4. What is a duck’s favorite game? Billiards!
  5. Why do ducks hate exams? They don’t like being “quacked” under pressure.
  6. What’s a duck’s favorite drug? Quack.
  7. Why did the duck join the band? He had the perfect “quack” for vocals.
  8. Why do ducks make great detectives? They always “quack” the case.
  9. What do you call a duck that steals? A robber ducky.
  10. What’s a duck’s favorite snack? Cheese and “quackers.”
  11. Why did the duck get arrested? He was a suspected of fowl play.
  12. What do you call a duck that tells jokes? A wise-quacker!
  13. Why did the duck go to therapy? To get its “quack” fixed.
  14. Why don’t ducks ever get sick? They have amazing “quack”-cines.
  15. What do you call a duck who loves fireworks? A firequacker.
  16. Why did the duck go to the repair shop? His bill was broken.
  17. What’s a duck’s favorite dance? The “quackstep.”
  18. Why did the duck fail his driving test? He couldn’t “quack” park.
  19. What do you call a duck with fangs? Count Quackula.
  20. Why did the duck bring a suitcase to the pond? He wanted to pack his “quack”-ables.
  21. Why was the duck a great comedian? He always quacked up the audience.
  22. What do you call a duck in a spaceship? A space “quack”-naut.
  23. Why did the duck go to the gym? To get his “quack”-s in shape.
  24. Why did the duck cross the playground? To get to the other slide.
  25. What do you call a duck who’s good at chess? A chess “quack”-er.
  26. What do you call a duck who loves wine? A “quack”-noisseur.
  27. What do you call a duck that’s a priest? Father “Quack”-em.
  28. Why did the duck bring an umbrella? It was “fowl” weather.
  29. What do you call a duck that gets all A’s? A wise “quacker.”
  30. What do you call a duck that loves to draw? A “quack”-tist.
duck puns
  1. Why did the duck join the circus? He was an excellent “quack”-robat.
  2. Why don’t ducks like to go on vacation? They don’t want to fly south for the “waddle.”
  3. Why did the duck bring a calculator to school? He heard it was a “bill” ding block.
  4. Why did the duck go to the diner? He wanted a “quack” and cheese sandwich.
  5. What do you call a duck that loves shopping? A mall-“ard.”
  6. What do you call a duck in a tuxedo? James Pond.
  7. Why did the duck go to the bakery? He wanted a “quacker.”
  8. Why did the duck become a politician? He was a “bill” ionaire.
  9. Why did the duck join the military? He wanted to be a “mallard” of honor.
  10. What do you call a duck that’s a superhero? Batman and “Robin.”
  11. What’s a duck’s favorite mode of transportation? A duck “truck.”
  12. What do you call a duck with a broken leg? Lame duck.
  13. What do you call a duck that always breaks things? “Duck”-structive.
  14. Why did the duck watch the news? To get the latest “quack”ast.
  15. What do you call a duck that loves to read? A book “quacker.”
  16. Why did the duck become a banker? He was good at handling “bills.”
  17. Why did the duck go to the movie? He wanted to see the latest “quack”buster.
  18. What do you call a duck that’s gone bad? A “malfeatherant.”
  19. Why was the duck a great salesperson? He always sold the “bill” of goods.
  20. What do you call a duck in a debate? A “quack”dicter.
  21. Why did the duck bring a pencil to school? He wanted to draw a perfect “circle.”
  22. What do you call a duck that’s into fashion? A “duck”-outure.
  23. Why did the duck cross the road twice? He was a double-“crosser.”
  24. Why did the duck wear a disguise? He didn’t want to be “quack”ed down.
  25. What do you call a duck in a fight? A “quack”-boxer.
  26. Why did the duck go to the concert? He wanted to see the “quack” band.
  27. What do you call a duck at the North Pole? Lost.
  28. Why did the duck become a poet? He was fond of “quack”-tics.
  29. What do you call a duck in a magic show? A “quack”ician.
  30. Why did the duck wear green? He wanted to go “incog-neato.”
  31. What do you call a duck with a watch? A “time-quacker.”
  32. Why did the duck bring a compass? He wanted to go “north.”
  33. What do you call a duck that’s always late? A “dilly-dally” duck.
  34. Why did the duck go to the bar? To get a “quack”-tail.
  35. Why did the duck join a choir? He was a “quack”-soprano.
  36. What do you call a duck at a wedding? A “bridesquack.”
  37. Why did the duck go to the casino? To play “quack”-jack.
  38. What do you call a duck with a cold? A “sick” duck.
  39. Why did the duck love the computer? He was a “web” foot.
  40. What do you call a duck in a beauty pageant? Miss “Quack” America.
  41. Why did the duck visit the mechanic? His “quack”-shaft was broken.
  42. What do you call a duck in a band? A “rock” duck.
  43. Why did the duck become a teacher? He loved “quack”-ademics.
  44. What do you call a duck at a disco? A “disco” duck.
  45. Why did the duck go to the dentist? To fix his “quack”-ed bill.
  46. What do you call a duck that loves math? A “quack”-ematician.
  47. Why did the duck go to the library? To “check out” a book.
  48. What do you call a duck that can sing? A “quack”-tenor.
  49. Why did the duck wear a mask? He was a “quack”-lar.
  50. What do you call a duck that hates flying? A “walk”-ing duck.

We hope our flock of duck puns brought a beak of sunshine to your day! These puns might have been a little ‘fowl’, but remember, humor is all about ruffling some feathers. Thanks for waddling through this lighthearted adventure with us. Stay tuned for more pun-filled articles to keep the giggles rolling!