100 Crab Puns That Will Pinch You with Laughter

Dive under the sea of humor with our collection of hilarious crab puns! Ideal for seafood lovers or anyone looking for a good chuckle, these puns are sure to have you rolling with laughter. From clever crustacean jokes to amusing undersea puns, prepare to get a serious case of the giggles.

crab puns
  1. Why don’t crabs give to charity? Because they’re shellfish.
  2. Why did the crab never share his food? He was a little shellfish!
  3. What did the crab say at the party? “Claws for applause!”
  4. What’s a crab’s favorite workout? The clam-jam!
  5. Why did the crab go to the beach? To catch some rays!
  6. What do you call a crab that plays baseball? A pinch hitter!
  7. Why was the crab a great employee? He was always in high demand at shell companies!
  8. What’s a crab’s favorite song? “Claws to the wall.”
  9. Why did the crab get a job? He was tired of just shelling out all day!
  10. What’s a crab’s favorite dessert? Sand-wiches!
  11. What do crabs use to communicate? Shell phones!
  12. Why did the crab cross the road? To get to the other tide!
  13. What do you call a crab that likes to bowl? A pinch-pin!
  14. What’s a crab’s favorite pop song? “Under the sea… but also on the land!”
  15. Why was the crab so grumpy? He woke up on the wrong side of the shell!
  16. Why did the crab go to jail? For pinching too many bottoms!
  17. How do crabs get around on land? They use the sidewalk!
  18. Why don’t crabs ever play fair in fights? Because they always bring their claws!
  19. Why did the crab go to therapy? It had shell shock!
  20. Why do crabs never argue? Because they always clam up!
crab puns
  1. What’s a crab’s favorite Shakespeare play? “The Tempest”, for its storms at sea!
  2. What did the crab say after a big meal? “I’m stuffed to the gills!”
  3. Why are crabs the best dancers? Because they do the sidestep!
  4. How does a crab ask for food? “Can I have a pinch of that?”
  5. What did the crab say at the seafood disco? “I’m feeling pinchy tonight!”
  6. Why are crabs so bad at basketball? Too many traveling violations!
  7. What’s a crab’s favorite day of the week? Sun-dei!
  8. What did the mom crab say to her child? “Stop being so crabby!”
  9. How do crabs apologize? They send a card addressed ‘To whom it may con-shell-n’.
  10. What do crabs smoke in their pipes? Seaweed!
  11. What’s a crab’s favorite pasta? Crab-ioli!
  12. Why did the crab go to the party? To come out of his shell!
  13. Why do crabs hate spices? Because they don’t want to feel the heat!
  14. How do crabs celebrate Christmas? With a Sandy Claus!
  15. Why are crabs good at poker? Because they’ve got a great poker shell!
  16. What’s a crab’s favorite move in chess? Castling, because they love their home!
  17. How do crabs stick to their diet? By working out at the shell-ton!
  18. What do you call a crab that likes to knit? A purl-crab!
  19. Why don’t crabs ever go to sunbathing? They don’t want to get baked!
  20. Why did the crab join the circus? He was a great juggle-shell!
  21. How does a crab cut his hair? With snip-snips!
  22. Why did the crab go to school? To improve his shell-ful thinking!
  23. How does a crab leave its house? Through the shell-ter door!
  24. Why did the crab go on a diet? To lose some shell weight!
  25. What’s a crab’s favorite ballet? “The Nut-clacker!”
  26. Why did the crab become a detective? Because he was a shell-lock!
  27. Why don’t crabs like to go on hot dates? They’re afraid of getting steamed!
  28. Why did the crab go to the gym? To feel a little less shell-bound!
  29. What’s a crab’s favorite fair ride? The Ferris wheel, for its great shell-eye view!
  30. Why did the crab join a band? Because he had the cymbals!
  31. What do you call a snowman crab? A “crabominable snowman”!
  32. What’s a crab’s favorite TV show? “Claws and Order”.
  33. Why did the crab start a bakery? Because he was a master of dough-pinching!
  34. What’s a crab’s favorite type of math? Alge-bra, for its oceanic relevance!
  35. What did the crab say to his noisy neighbor? “Can you keep it down, I’m feeling shell-shocked!”
  36. How do crabs send secret messages? In shell code!
  37. Why did the crab always win at poker? He was excellent at bluffing and pinching chips!
  38. What’s a crab’s favorite book? “The Old Man and the Sea” – it’s shell-lit!
  39. What’s a crab’s favorite part of a song? The bridge, because it reminds them of crossings at sea!
  40. Why do crabs never play soccer? They’re afraid of the net!
  41. Why did the crab never finish his novel? He had a shell of a writer’s block!
  42. How do you describe a crab that won’t stop talking? A babble-claw!
  43. Why did the crab go to the spa? To treat his shell to a polish!
  44. What do you call a crab that’s moved to Hollywood? A starfish!
  45. What’s a crab’s favorite type of currency? Sand dollars!
  46. Why don’t crabs ever get caught? Because they’re masters at beating around the bush, or should I say, the seaweed!
  47. Why did the crab blush? Because it saw the ocean’s bottom!
  48. Why did the crab join a dating website? To find his lobster!
  49. Why did the crab break up with his girlfriend? He felt she was a bit fishy!
  50. Why do crabs love the early morning? They’re in love with the sea-nrise!
  51. Why did the crab get promoted? He climbed the corporate ladder, one rung at a time!
  52. How does a crab like his coffee? Decrabfinated!
  53. Why did the crab become a gardener? He had green pincers!
  54. What’s a crab’s favorite type of car? A shell-vrolet!
  55. What did the crab say when he got lost? “I’ve made a sand mistake!”
  56. Why did the crab never lose at chess? He was a master of the rook pinch!
  57. What’s a crab’s favorite video game? “Crabtendo Seawitch”!
  58. What do you call a crab who won’t go to the beach? A sand-phobic!
  59. How do crabs like to listen to music? On their shell-phones!
  60. What did the crab say on his first day at work? “I’m here to help, no need to be crabby!”
  61. Why did the crab get a time out? He was caught crabbing about his chores!
  62. What’s a crab’s favorite dog breed? A pinch-er!
  63. What do crabs read in the morning? The daily sandpaper!
  64. What’s a crab’s favorite drink? A pincher-colada!
  65. Why did the crab go to the play? To get a round of crab-plause!
  66. Why did the crab refuse to go out in the rain? He didn’t want to come out of his shell!
  67. How do crabs fix things? With their toolbox full of sand paper and shell-ac!
  68. What do you call a lazy crab? A slobster!
  69. Why did the crab visit New York? He wanted to see the Crabby Apple!
  70. What’s a crab’s favorite shoe brand? Nike, just for the shell of it!
  71. What do you call a crab who can play the piano? A piano pinch-hitter!
  72. What’s a crab’s favorite part of a house? The sun deck, for the beach vibes!
  73. How do crabs do their laundry? They use tide detergent!
  74. Why was the crab a good businessman? He was always on the shell-phone!
  75. What did the crab use to fix his shell? Crab-stick glue!
  76. Why did the crab get a job as a baker? Because he was knead-y!
  77. What do you call a musical crab? A crab-a-tat!
  78. What do you call a crab that’s good at time management? A crunch time-crab!
  79. Why was the crab good at poker? He had a good hand…or claw!
  80. What do you call a crab that writes poetry? A shell-iver!

We hope these crab puns have you pinched with laughter! Spread the fun around and share these puns with your friends and family. Stay tuned for more hilarious content, and remember: laughter is the best seasoning in the seafood boil of life. Keep laughing, and keep crabbing around!