100 Airplane Jokes That Will Soar You to New Heights of Laughter

Prepare for takeoff to a laughter-filled journey with our compilation of airplane jokes! Whether you’re an aviation enthusiast or someone who enjoys a good laugh, these jokes are sure to tickle your funny bone. From in-flight humor to quips about pilots, we’ve got all the high-flying fun right here for you.

airplane jokes
  1. Why don’t airplanes ever get lost? Because they always take flight paths!
  2. Have you heard about the claustrophobic fighter pilot? He just needed a little more space.
  3. Why do pilots never get cold? Because of their thermal runway.
  4. Why did the airplane get a time out? It had too much altitude!
  5. Do you know why pilots are always calm? Because they’re never put under ‘wing’!
  6. Why did the airplane break up with the helicopter? It said they were just on different flight paths.
  7. Why was the airplane always out of breath? Because it had a heavy cargo!
  8. What’s an airplane’s favorite game? Hide and Air Seek.
  9. Why are planes bad secret keepers? They have a lot of air to clear!
  10. What do you call a plane that’s afraid of flying? A nervous wreck.
  11. Why do airplanes never get mad? They always let things take-off over their heads.
  12. How do airplanes stay in touch? Sky-ype!
  13. Why don’t airplanes make good comedians? Because their jokes always fly over people’s heads!
  14. Why did the airplane bring a pencil? It wanted to draw a flight plan.
  15. What do you call a plane that can play the piano? A flying maestro.
  16. Why do airplanes hate early mornings? They’d rather take off late!
  17. What do you call an airplane that’s about to crash? A de-scent!
  18. What does an airplane wear to a party? A high altitude suit!
  19. Why are airplanes never lonely? They’re always in the company of clouds.
  20. What’s an airplane’s favorite exercise? Aerobics.
  21. What do you call a plane that can’t fly? Grounded!
  22. Why don’t airplanes have to study for tests? They always wing it.
  23. How does an airplane propose? With a ring from the runway!
  24. What’s an airplane’s favorite type of math? Geometry, because it’s all about the angles.
  25. What do you call an airplane that loves to read? A fly-brarian.
  26. Why are airplanes so good at sports? They always have great hang time!
  27. How do planes like to relax? With some cloud watching.
  28. Why don’t airplanes ever get tired? They always have plenty of jet fuel!
  29. Why was the airplane a bad musician? It couldn’t keep up with the air-beats.
  30. What do you call a scared airplane? A fright-er jet.
  31. Why are airplanes so bad at playing hide and seek? They always stand out in the sky.
  32. How do airplanes like their coffee? On the runway!
  33. What’s an airplane’s favorite meal? Plane-tains and gravy!
  34. What’s an airplane’s favorite dance move? The tailspin.
  35. Why do airplanes make great friends? They’re always there when you’re up in the air!
  36. How do planes talk? In plane language!
  37. Why did the plane blush? Because it saw the cloud’s silver lining!
  38. Why don’t airplanes make good chefs? They always overheat their jets!
  39. Why was the airplane so good at baseball? It always had a great pitch!
  40. How do planes like to get their news? They prefer the flypaper.
  41. Why don’t airplanes get into politics? They hate turbulent discussions.
  42. What do airplanes use to keep their pants up? Jet belts!
  43. What’s a plane’s favorite school subject? History, they love looking at old flight paths.
  44. How do airplanes keep their cool? They use their air conditioners!
  45. Why was the plane a bad runner? It always ran out of runway!
  46. How does a plane get around town? It uses the skyway.
  47. Why don’t planes get haircuts? They don’t want to cut their air-stream!
  48. How do airplanes cheer themselves up? They go for a loop-the-loop!
  49. What do planes use to clean their windows? A wind-screen wiper!
  50. Why are airplanes so good at math? They’re always calculating the altitude.
  51. Why do airplanes make great detectives? They have a good overview.
  52. How do planes stay safe at night? They use their landing lights!
  53. Why was the airplane so good at yoga? It mastered the airplane pose!
  54. What do you call an airplane that never lands? Eternally high.
  55. Why was the airplane always late for work? It kept mistaking the road for a runway.
  56. Why do airplanes make terrible gardeners? They always fly over the hedges!
  57. How does an airplane break up with its girlfriend? It says, “We’re just not on the same flight path.”
  58. Why do airplanes make poor pets? They’re always up in the air about everything!
  59. How does an airplane show love? It takes you under its wing.
  60. What’s an airplane’s favorite type of music? Jet rock.
  61. How do airplanes stay fit? They do a lot of air-obic exercises.
  62. Why don’t airplanes use social media? They’re afraid of getting “grounded”.
  63. Why do planes never play hide and seek? Because they’re always spotted.
  64. Why don’t airplanes ever forget anything? They always have their head in the clouds.
  65. Why are planes so good at making decisions? They’re good at winging it.
  66. What did the plane say to the storm cloud? “Stop raining on my flight plan!”
  67. Why do planes never lose at poker? They always have a good hand…le.
  68. Why don’t airplanes ever go to school? They’re already too high!
  69. What do planes say when they’re surprised? “Oh my flight!”
  70. Why are planes bad at football? They always get a lot of air time.
  71. Why don’t airplanes make good roommates? They’re always taking off.
  72. Why was the airplane a good musician? It had great pitch!
  73. How do airplanes say goodbye? “Turbu-later!”
  74. Why do planes never get lost? They always fly by the seat of their pants.
  75. How do planes communicate? They just wing it.
  76. What do you call a plane with no wings? A mistake!
  77. Why do planes never get tired? They’re always on the go.
  78. Why did the airplane go to therapy? It had a fear of landing.
  79. How do planes get high? Jet fuel.
  80. What do you call an airplane that takes off but never lands? A mystery!
  81. Why did the airplane get a parking ticket? It parked on a no-flying zone!
  82. What’s an airplane’s favorite type of tea? Chai altitude.
  83. What do planes read for fun? Flying magazines.
  84. Why do airplanes always finish their meals? They don’t like leaving anything on their tray tables!
  85. How do airplanes like their steak? Well-flied.
  86. Why are airplanes so popular? They always have a lot of fans.
  87. How do airplanes say goodnight? “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite the altitude.”
  88. Why don’t airplanes like parties? They prefer to hang out in the terminal.
  89. What did the airplane say when it got sick? “I feel a bit plane!”
  90. What do you call a plane that’s scared to fly? Grounded for life!
  91. Why do airplanes never argue? They prefer to stay on autopilot.
  92. What’s an airplane’s favorite part of the house? The flight of stairs.
  93. How do planes like their eggs? Sunny sky up.
  94. Why do planes love to travel? Because it’s always an uplifting experience!
  95. Why are planes so good at baking? They’re masters of the roll.
  96. What’s a plane’s favorite clothing item? Flight jackets.
  97. Why don’t planes like winter? They hate getting their wings iced.
  98. How do airplanes celebrate birthdays? They go for an extra loop-the-loop.
  99. Why was the airplane so good at chess? It always kept its queen in check.
  100. Why don’t planes go to movies? They prefer watching in-flight entertainment.

Thanks for joining us on this sky-high comedy trip! We hope these airplane jokes have sent you soaring with laughter. Make sure to share them with friends, family, or even fellow passengers on your next flight to keep the spirits high. Keep laughing and stay tuned for more fun content on our humor runway!